Hard Facts on How Fasting Works for a Healthier Lifestyle

Is fasting a good idea for your health? Possibly, as more and more celebrities like Beyonce, Ben Affleck, and Liv Tyler are giving it a go. And, due to its popularity with celebrities, people assume that fasting for a healthier lifestyle has an edge over traditional diet and exercise. If done correctly, fasting can be safe. However, it doesn’t really yield excellent results for people who aim to lose weight. But, if your goal is directed to a healthier lifestyle, then this is highly recommended. Each day, your vital organs, such as the spleen, kidney, and liver, work in order to eliminate and neutralize the toxins from the body. And when you fast, you are preventing the addition of more toxins from food into your system.

What Happens to Your Body When You Fast

Humans have survival instincts. Because of that, we have the ability to last for long periods of not taking in food. But, what happens when you don’t eat?
  • When you eat, the carbohydrates are broken down by the digestive system into a glucose form, which serves as the body’s primary source of energy. It is then carried by the blood to the body’s cells for them to function.
  • If you don’t eat, the glucose supply in the blood drops. As a result, the remaining glucose will be stored as glycogen, for energy.
  • After all the glycogens are used up, the body starts to burn the fats to make more fuel for the cells.
  • Within a few days without eating, the body thrusts into ketosis mode, in which fats are burned to serve as the primary source of fuel and spare the muscles. This will result in weight loss in the form of body fats.
  • While ketosis helps in losing weight, it also causes the blood to become acidic. Aside from that, it causes fatigue, bad breath, and liver damage.

How Does Fasting Help

So, does fasting help you have a healthier lifestyle? Check out the facts listed below:

1. Fasting may help your heart.

According to the studies done by Utah’s Intermountain Medical Center, fasting for one day, once a month may help prevent heart disease and diabetes. Benjamin D. Horne, PhD, MD, explained that, “During fasting, your fat cells are being metabolized and used as fuel. If fat is being used for fuel, in the long run, you have fewer fat cells in your body”.

2. There are chances that fasting can eliminate the likelihood of having cancer.

Although there isn’t really an explanation for this, researchers said periods of fasting did slow the rate of cancer cell division in mice. Until there is no further research about this on humans, it is advised not to fast for cancer-prevention purposes.

3. Researchers are still conducting studies on the effects of fasting on other illnesses.

There is no sufficient research that can prove that fasting can help treat problems like rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, and multiple sclerosis. On the other hand, there is no research against doing it as well. Dr. David Katz explained, “If you’re not on prescription medicine, generally in good health, and want to fast periodically because you feel you get a health benefit from it, we don’t have evidence that this would be harmful”.

4. Fasting will not help you lose weight.

Even if you lose weight through fasting, do not expect it to last. The extra pounds that you lost consist primarily of water and stored carbohydrates. As soon as you begin to eat again, it will come back.

5. Fasting should not be a replacement for a healthy diet.

Fasting has lots of health benefits. However, the studies that are supporting it are just preliminary. If you want great results, aim for healthy eating. If possible, focus on foods that are rich in nutrients like vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. But, if you really choose to fast, you need to pack your diet with nutritious foods before going on  a day of fasting.

6. Before you fast, talk your doctor.

Even if fasting plays a vital role in wellness, it is not for everyone to try. People, who have a history of diabetes, low blood pressure, and anemia, are encouraged to speak with their doctors before engaging in a fasting regimen. And, even after the doctor gives a go signal, do not jump head first into fasting. It is important that you learn how to do it safely. Talking with medical professionals and educating yourself about fasting may make a difference. While celebrities are going crazy about this fasting trend, this shouldn’t always be applied for the sake of achieving a healthy lifestyle. The right way to do this is not by eating nothing, but by eating healthy and restricting your daily calorie intake.